Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Bible Study

I started a new Bible study on Monday. The timing couldn't have been better. I spent much of the day in prayer. My very good friend Jenny had what we thought was a seizure and her amazing husband (also a lifelong friend) Jeremy saved her life by giving her CPR until help came. Things were very tense until she woke up. Come to find out she has Long QT Syndrome and ended up going into cardiac arrest on Wednesday and is now the proud new owner of a pacemaker/defibrilator. She is doing great now but it was really hard waiting. I needed to be with a group of strong Christian women to keep my focus on God and my faith. He picked just the right group! We are reading "Created to be his Help Meet" by Debi Pearl. We all agreed that she is a little harsh sometimes, but for the most part has a lot to offer on the subject of being the kind of wife that God has instructed me to be. I am learning from the book, but I feel I have even more to learn from the women in the group. I LOVE to listen to them talk. I left feeling so encouraged and uplifted. I never once felt out of place or judged. I have connected with an old friend (hi Jess!) and really look forward to our Monday evening dinners before Bible study.

I have seen God working this week. He carried Jenny and Jeremy through REALLY scary time. I watched a man who I have known since elementary school put every single ounce of his faith in the Lord. I watched Jenny glow as she held her two month old baby in her arms like it was the first time. I saw God so many places this week. My faith could have been tested this week. But God knew this was in the plan. That is why he put me in Arkansas with two of my best friends the day after her first episode. When I got the message that Jenny had coded, he placed me in the company of one of the most faithful women I know. She stayed so calm. We grabbed up our girls and went to my truck and prayed like there was no tomorrow. 5 more minutes and I would have been on the road by myself with Claire. Thank you Lord for being so faithful!

So now, we pray as we wait for the results of Steph's scan. That's all we can do is pray and wait....wait and pray! I am also praying for my Aunt Donna and Uncle Bobby and their family as they grieve the loss of Aunt Donna's mother. I am praying for Pam and Steve and their family as they also grieve the loss of Steve's mother who died the same day. May you all find peace during this hard time. As I said on Steph's blog the other day....IT IS POURING around here. Literally and figuratively!!

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