Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stephanie Vest.

I have been following the blog about Stephanie Vest. A young mother of 3 fighting a very rare form of cancer. She is the friend of a friend and I have prayed so much for her over the last few months. I was so sad to read this morning that before she was able to celebrate her daughter's first Christmas, she passed away. Please keep her family in your prayers.

If you want to hear a REALLY sweet story, go to my other blog and read about what Drew said this morning to my mom. Oh, that boy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What do you get...

when you mix a two year old with approximately a half can of hairspray?

Give up?


Exciting times around here! Last night was Claire's first basketball practice. We love her coaches and are so excited for the season. She had a great time. They worked on shooting, passing, defensive slides and had devotion. She is already looking forward to next practice!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Giggy Pudding.

Last year it was Claire with her "tiggy" pudding.

This year....Cohen and his "giggy" pudding.

Maybe next year we will just stick with "Jell-O" pudding. There's always room for that.

Not Me Monday

I did not eat way too much on Thursday.

I did not miss my momma and dad on Thanksgiving day. I should probably be old enough to not miss my parents when we aren't together on holidays. (Which isn't very often!)

I was NOT at Target at 6 a.m. on black Friday. That would be crazy. And it would take DAYS to recover.

When I returned home, I did not put on Christmas jammies, crank up Christmas music and start cleaning like a mad woman in order to get ready to drag out the Christmas stuff. (Secretly hoping all the while that Big Daddy would keep the kids out a little longer so I could get a little more done.)

I did NOT show up to "Breakfast with Santa" on Saturday only to find that "Breakfast with Santa" is NEXT Saturday. (Hey Steph! Aren't you glad I DIDN'T do that?!)

I did NOT hear someone in Target yelling curse words at her small child. Surely people don't do that.

I did not say a prayer for that child in hopes that she will overcome the things she is being taught by example.

I am not checking my e-mail hourly waiting for a preview of Cohen's pictures from Auntie Karen! I think that would be expecting way to much out of poor Auntie Karen who has her plate FULL right now. But they are just going to be sooooo darn cute!

My Coco did NOT drink from the toilet last night. If he did I certainly did not blog about it. What kind of mother do you think I am?

I am not still dreaming of this place

Let it go....just let it go.

What did you NOT do last week?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Here's a conversation that ACTUALLY took place tonight.

Coco: "Momma! Gink!"
Translation: "Momma! Drink!"

Me: "OH, yes. Drink" (Really just responding so that he wouldn't repeat himself 50,000 times)

Coco: "Mmmm. Gink water."
**Toilet finishes flushing in the background**

Me: "Uh, Coco. Where did you get the water?"

Coco: "Fer-lit!"
Translation: "Toilet!"

yuck. I will now Google the symptoms of know....just in case.