Well, as many of you know...it has happened again. Our family has been dealt another blow. My Uncle Gary, my mom's baby brother, has been told he has cancer. They haven't determined exactly what kind yet. Our three options are colon, pancreatic or stomach. I have been "spoiled" by the fact that
Steph never truly looks sick and if she does it is because of the chemo. So it was VERY hard to see my uncle at church on Sunday. He is sick. There's no getting around it. I will continue to post "happy" posts in hopes that it will help my sweet Grammy find little bright spots in the day. We will wait for more tests and determine a treatment plan.
Am I sad? Absolutely. Am I angry? Like never before. Am I hopeless? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have a choice here and I will choose to cling to my God with all that I am. HE brought us to this and I know HE will see us through it. But man, this sucks. My heart is aching.
Please pray for my Uncle Gary and his wife my Auntie Jay. Pray that they will be able to find strength to fight this battle. Pray for their children Amy, Angela, Amber, Andrew and Noah as they support Gary and Jay through this. Pray for my
grandparents. No one should ever have to watch their child fight cancer...even in their 40's. Pray for my mom and dad. This has been so hard on both of them. Gary was like my mom's baby growing up and he has worked alongside my dad since he was a teenager. We will get through this. We always do.
I think our plates are getting pretty full here. But apparently our God thinks we are strong enough to be put in the all you can eat buffet line! I know what's for dessert...but for now I am perfectly happy struggling through the overcooked veggies to get there. I am thankful that God throws in some sweet stuff in the middle to tide me over.