Cohen is learning to eat by himself!
Coco in his "tighty blueys" (as opposed to tighty whiteys)
Now that's what I call a HAPPY meal!
Claire's new Tutti Fruity TuTu!
(Thanks Em! We love it!)
Claire's sassy comment of the week.
Claire has been a sick little girl. She has been running a fever, coughing and has a severe ear infection. I gave her tylenol and it made her gag then she threw it up. I think she noticed that she got some extra attention and so she started telling me every once in a while that she was going to throw up. So here was our conversation.
Claire- "Mommy, I need to throw up."
Me- "Claire, try not to because if you do your medicine won't work."
Claire- "But I FEEL like it!"
Me- "Claire, please try not to."
Claire "Mom, I FEEL like it....end of story. Goodbye."
I was speechless! She sounded so grownup! She wasn't hateful about it. Just real matter-of-fact. She didn't throw up and was asleep within 3 minutes! I love that kid. Now if Cohen could just learn how to talk that would be great! He knows what he wants and when he wants it. However, we are having a REAL communication problem. I didn't have this with Claire because at 16 months she was using phrases like:
1. He was just tryin' to be a piggy.
2. Baby Songs on the TV screen
3. I have perseverance.
I'm having a terrible time trying to figure this boy out! I had it way too easy with Claire! I'm sure we will get some language going! He was doing really well with sign language but has totally lost interest. The words that he does say absolutely MELT my heart. I love that kid too!
awww . . . i'm so glad claire like her tutu!!!
we are wondering when livi will start talking too! the older girls were talking so much more at this point! her jibber jabber is adorable . . and so funny though!
Maybe she has some of Auntie She in her!! It's the therapist coming out! She is just gonna be so "healthy" cuz she can express her FEELINGS! I love it!!
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